vi/vim usage and commands
vim is a texteditor for linux. Hard to learn but amazing to use Commands on CLI open a document Start vim with commands open at specific line start vim with the first occurence of a word (search in file) replace first occurence in file replace all occurences in a file Commands / usage inside veeam…
Remove LVM Volume
How to remove a volume from lvm check if lv is still mounted check with lsof if there are open files pointing on the volume. if yes close them get id with lsblk check with lsof (in this case we fount the id 254:4 with lsblk which will be 254,4 for lsof) Remove all mount…
Extend LVM Volume
How to extend an lvm volume check if vg has free space (VFree) If enough space is free we can resize the logical volume This will extend the volume by 1G This will extend the volume to the size of 10G check new size with lvs now the LV is extended. to make the space…
SSH root login from specific hosts
you normally should disable root login via sshd for security reasons. So no one can get access directly to root and login with highest privileges But in some cases root access is needed from management Machines or others.With the following changes in the sshd_config it should work. Setup: open the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and remove the…
Create LVM Volume
How to create an LVM volume Only needed if no Physical Volume exists or additional disks are added create physical volume and view it: Only needed when no VG exists or additional one is needed. a VG can contain multiple physical Create volume group on physical volume: Now we create the logical volume on the…
Usefull LVM commands
This commands will be used when working with LVM pvs: pvs shows information about the physical devices vgs: vgs shows inforamtion about the volume group built ontop of the physical volume(s) lvs: lvs shows the actual volumes which are usable and can be mounted pvcreate: pvcreate is used to add new disks to the LVM…
Usefull Wordlists
For pentesting it can be usefull to have predefined wordlists which can be used for discovery (folders and stuff) or passwords. Most PenTesting Distributions already deliver many wordlists. Parrot OS has those in the /usr/share/wordlists but sometimes you want more than the default Here are some good ones as addition to the existing ones: SecLists:…
nmap vulnerability scan (Nmap-vulners)
Another Vulnerability scanner for nmap Install: Clone from git to nmap scripts folder Usage: Output: an example:
nmap vulnerability scan (scipag_vulscan)
Launch nmap with the vulscan script to detect vulnerabilies for ips and hosts. Vulscan checks for vulnerabilities and CVE’s with local files delivered from the repo. Don’t forget to update them from time to time Download: Update: Go to the scipag_vulscan folder and do a git pull usage: Starts a scan of the domain blubb.fish…
nmap is a usefull tool for network scanning or discovery of open ports and vulnerabilities. can be used for scanning internal and external Networks. Man page: https://linux.die.net/man/1/nmap Project Page: https://nmap.org/ Usefull options: -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute -sV: Version Detect. Probe open ports to determine service/version info -sC: same as…