enable serial console on vm in proxmox
tested with
- Gentoo with systemd
- Fedora Server
qm set 115 -serial0 socket
after this the vm should have a serial adapter. Maybe a reboot / full shutdown is needed that it is no longer yellow and correct attached
after reboot check which ttyS* the virtual machine uses (normally the id chosen in proxmox settings)
dmesg | grep tty
this will show something like this:
so we know we need to use ttyS0
edit the serial service unit file with the baud rate needed for console
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty\@.service
change the ExecStart line to the correct rate. Often 115200
Enable the service. Be sure to add the correct ttyS* (does not exist before)
systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0
start the service
systemctl start serial-getty@ttyS0
check status as running
systemctl status serial-getty@ttyS0
now you should be able to connect to the serial port with apps or tools like proxmobo